Promoting grounded spirituality based on scientific research and ancient wisdom.

"Believe nothing until you find it out for yourself."
Swami Vivekananda
My goal is to faithfully pass on traditional yogic teachings and to support them with the knowledge of modern science.
I use my academic background to build a bridge between science and spirituality and to create a down-to-earth approach to spiritual practices.
Creating a link between the material and the spiritual has become more and more important over the last decade, as it has become clear that many chronic diseases, often caused by our modern lifestyle, can be avoided or healed through holistic approaches to health.
Yoga, just as science, delivers reproducible and measurable results at all levels of human existence.
I am committed to spreading awareness about yoga and its incredible wisdom and delivering spirituality to people in a simple, practical, and accessible manner.
We have never needed it as much as we do now.
"Life isn't about finding yourself.
Life is about creating yourself"
George Bernard Shaw
For me, spirituality is taking responsibility for your life, but still trusting the process.
It is the balance between these two.
It means seeking the truth - the connection to your true nature and to everything that is.
It is an act of courage to become the best possible version of yourself. Realizing your highest potential and learning how to manifest positive changes in your life.
It's emotional and personal growth.
It's waking up.
Everyone is different. My biggest dream and mission is to help people find their own personal practice, one that will support them as they grow and transform their lives. I use a variety of tools (breathing, relaxation, energy work, different meditation techniques, and more) to promote independence and individuality in spiritual growth.

“Consciousness is only possible through change; change is only possible through movement.”
Aldous Huxley
Movement means life.
Through movement, we can discover our physical bodies and experience physical wellbeing, which builds a solid foundation for a fulfilled and healthy life.
Your body is your temple. It means that it is home to the life that finds its unique expression through you.
Learn to honor your body so that it can become a strong vehicle in your journey towards growth and transformation.
I use movement as a tool to help people arrive in their bodies and find joy in motion and expression.
Conscious movement helps you to recognize the body not only as a foundation of health, but also as a gate to a calm state of mind and deeper dimensions of human existence.